
Weekly Campaign Idea: Halloween Promotion

Tootsie Roll Industries takes a unique approach to Halloween promotions by giving away Tootsie Roll costumes to lucky followers.

By Dana Kilroy ・1 min read
Campaign & Contest Ideas

When you look at Halloween stats it’s crazy (and slightly humorous) how much money is spent on Halloween products every year. For example, in 2014 it was $7.4 billion! That’s a lot of money! Spending aside, there’s no denying that Halloween kicks off the holiday season for people and for businesses.Seeing as Halloween is such a visual holiday, the ideal Halloween campaign is one that allows your fans to show off their Halloween spirit.It makes sense that a candy manufacturer like Tootsie Roll Industries would get a jump start on this sugar-filled holiday. However, this year Tootsie Rolls took a different approach to the popular costume contest. So for today’s Campaign idea we’re highlighting Tootsie Pop’s unique spin on a Halloween costume promotion. Instead of asking fans to submit their costumes, Tootsie Rolls is giving away Tootsie Roll Costumes to some of their lucky followers. Here are 4 things to remember when building your Halloween promotion.

1. Get in the Spirit:

As I mentioned earlier, Halloween is a visual holiday. People love sharing photos of their costumes and decorations, and they also want to participate in promotions that are Halloween themed. At we make it easy for you to theme your promotion with our Halloween Theme and our Trick or Treat Story template. You can also use any of our contest and promotion templates and design them to fit your idea.

2. Appeal to the masses:

Not only do people get into the holiday spirit but they get their kids and their pets in it as well. In fact, one of the most common Halloween promotions we see are pet costume contests. Tootsie Pops does a great job of involving the “whole” family in their promotion by offering up costume ideas for adults, kids and animals.

3. Leverage different social networks:

Sometimes you need the perfect opportunity to run a promotion on Pinterest or Instagram and Halloween is that opportunity. Both the platforms are image based, so consider leveraging that and running a Pin and Win or Instagram video contest.

4. Have a paid promotion strategy:

We always recommend running some ads alongside your Campaigns, but this is especially important during the holiday season. Social networks are flooded with promotions, deals, coupons and offers and it’s even more difficult (than usual) to be heard through all that noise. Having a paid promotion strategy can help get your Campaign in front of your audience. This article nicely breaks down the three most common options for promoting an Campaign; a promoted post, a boosted post or a News Feed ad.

About the author

By Dana Kilroy ・1 min read

Dana Sullivan Kilroy is a communications professional with more than 20 years of experience delivering compelling content. Her work has appeared in national, award-winning publications and sites, including: The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Fast Company, Inc.

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