
How to Rock Your Back to School Sales and Marketing [Infographic]

Discover fascinating facts about back-to-school shopping, including average spending, popular purchases, and the influence of digital interactions.

By Dana Kilroy ・1 min read
Social Media

It's that time of year again! Back to school season is here for some of us, and just around the corner for all the rest. Did you know that BTS is the second biggest retail "holiday" of the year? Here are some wallet-exploding facts:

• The average household with kids in k-12 spends $606 on BTS shopping

• The average household with kids in college spends $1086 on BTS shopping

• In the U.S., $828 billion is spent on BTS shopping each year

• 17.2% of the year's retail sales happen during this time of year

• 50% of BTS shoppers buy apparel

• 37% of BTS shoppers buy supplies

• 41% of BTS shoppers buy backpacks and computer supplies

• 17% of BTS shoppers buy computers

(If you're looking for promotion and giveaway ideas to boost sales, offering deal on clothing, supplies and electronics is a great place to start!)

• 46% of BTS shoppers say price is one of their main deciding factors when it comes to making purchases

• 9.9% of shoppers say their purchases are 100% influenced by deals

• 37% more money is spent when dads are in charge of BTS shopping

• 27% of dads look for coupons when BTS shopping

• 59% of searches containing the word "coupon" are made on a mobile device

• 7.9% of BTS sales are made online• 50% of BTS shoppers browse online and then make purchases in store

• 27% of BTS shoppers organize their shopping lists on Pinterest

• 36 cents of every dollar is influenced by "digital interactions" with a brandYou'll find many more eye-opening stats and other ideas for your back-to-school promotions in this infographic from The Shelf.


About the author

By Dana Kilroy ・1 min read

Dana Sullivan Kilroy is a communications professional with more than 20 years of experience delivering compelling content. Her work has appeared in national, award-winning publications and sites, including: The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Fast Company, Inc.

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