

This content provides the latest dimensions for Facebook cover photos, profile images, and advertising images for both desktop and mobile.

By Dana Kilroy ・2 min read
Social Media

Searching for the latest Facebook dimensions for Facebook? In case you missed it, Facebook updated the Pages layout again, and changed the recommended dimensions for cover photos and images. The cover photo size is now 828 x 315 px. We've created a new template for you, to make it easier to update necessary images. Just click the button to download the files (PSD and PNG) or scroll down to see the dimensions in list form. For each category, the recommended image upload size is listed, followed by the size in which it will appear on desktop and mobile.

New Facebook Page Dimensions


Cover photo: 828x315

Profile image: 160x160

Mobile layout

Cover photo: 640x360

New Facebook Advertising Specs

App Engagement/Install

Image upload: 1200x628 (images should contain minimal text)

Desktop: 470x246

Mobile: 560x293

Right column: 254x133

Note: Mobile app images may not contain more than 20% text (90 characters)

Brand Awareness Photo

Image upload: 1200x628 (image may not contain more than 20% text)

Desktop: 470x246

Mobile: 560x293

Text: 90 characters

Headline: 25 characters

Link description: 30 characters

Brand Awareness Video

Thumbnail image upload, should match video aspect ratio: 1280x720

Text: 90 characters

Video: mp4 | 30fps | no larger than 4gb

Brand Awareness Carousel

Image upload: 600x600 (may not contain more than 20% text)

Text: 90 characters

Headline: 40 characters

Link description: 20 characters

Clicks to Website/Website Conversions

Image upload: 1200x628

Text: 90 characters

Headline: 25 characters

Link description: 30 characters

Clicks to Website Carousel

Image upload: 600x600

Desktop: 300x300

Mobile: 460x460

Right column: 125x125

Text: 90 characters

Headline: 40 characters

Link description: 20 characters

Event Responses

Image upload: 1920x1080

Desktop: 470x174

Mobile: 560x208

Right column: 254x94

Text: 90 characters

Headline: 25 characters

Lead Generation

Image upload: 1200x628

Desktop: 470x246

Mobile: 560x292

Headline: 25 characters

Text: 90 characters

Description: 30 characters

Local Awareness

Image upload: 1200x628

Headline: 25 characters

Text: 90 characters

Description: 30 characters

Offer Claim

Image upload: 1200x628 (image should contain minimal text)

Text: 90 characters

Offer title: 25 characters

Terms and Conditions (optional): 900 characters

Page Likes

Image upload: 1200x444

Text: 90 characters

Headline: 25 characters

Page Post Engagement Photo

Image upload: 1200x900

Text: 90 characters

Page Post Engagement Video/Video Views

Thumbnail image upload: 1280x720 (image should match video aspect ratio)

Text: 90 characters

Video: Click here for video file formats recommended by Facebook | 30fps | no larger than 4gb

Facebook Post Tips

  1. Share a tip. Start the post with "TIP" so it stands out in followers' feeds.
  2. Post the most interesting fact related to your content and link to the rest.
  3. Engage. Respond to comments and answer questions; don't ignore or remove negative feedback.
  4. Stay positive. Positive, helpful updates inspire more engagement than negative ones.
  5. Host a Timeline contest or promotion. Pages can host contests and promotions on their Timelines by asking fans to Like or comment on their post. Use a Comment/Like importer feature to pick a winner and to aggregate and export data.
  6. Include images/videos since they're more likely to be shared.

About the author

By Dana Kilroy ・2 min read

Dana Sullivan Kilroy is a communications professional with more than 20 years of experience delivering compelling content. Her work has appeared in national, award-winning publications and sites, including: The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Fast Company, Inc.

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