
The Ultimate LinkedIn Cheatsheet

Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile with Leisure Job's Ultimate Cheat Sheet, including tips for each profile element.

By Dana Kilroy ・1 min read
Social Media

If sprucing up your LinkedIn profile has been on your to-do list for awhile, consider today's post a prompt. Leisure Job's Ultimate Cheat Sheet promises to help you achieve LinkedIn profile perfect in just seven steps!Here's a quick overview of the elements to include:

  1. Your name! Include your first, last and middle names.
  2. A headline. Write a succinct and creative headline that includes important key terms.
  3. A customized URL.
  4. A professional profile photo.
  5. A summary of your background. Keep is succinct and include any relevant media (blog posts, slideshares, podcasts, etc.)
  6. Your experience. This section is a complement to your resume. Use the space to include details you're not able to include on your resume.
  7. Projects. Add products that showcase your skills.
  8. Education. Include information about schools you've attended and degrees you've acquired.
  9. Skills and endorsements. If you have skills that give insight into your professional roles and experiences, include them.
  10. Groups. Joining groups will help you connect with people who share your professional interests.

Complete those ten elements and you'll be on your way to building an "all star" LinkedIn profile. Believe it or not, only 51 percent of people have completed all the elements of their profile. If yours is complete you will be more easily found in LinkedIn search results. Check out the infographic below for dozens more suggestions about building a solid LinkedIn profile.


About the author

By Dana Kilroy ・1 min read

Dana Sullivan Kilroy is a communications professional with more than 20 years of experience delivering compelling content. Her work has appeared in national, award-winning publications and sites, including: The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Fast Company, Inc.

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