
Weekly Campaign Idea: Father's Day Photo or Video Promotion

True Dude collaborates with Synhergy Marketing to launch a Father's Day photo and vote contest, sharing tips for successful promotions.

By Dana Kilroy ・1 min read
Campaign & Contest Ideas

True Dude is on a mission to recognize and honor men who make a positive impact on their families and communities,so it makes sense that they’d jump on an opportunity to capitalize on a celebrationthat’s right up their alley.

Working with Synhergy Marketing, LLC, True Dude launched a photo and vote contest that taps into Father’s Day marketing in the most ideal way.

The great thing about holiday promotions is that the strategies and tactics can be taken and applied to any ole’ Campaign.

So if you don’t have plans on running a Father’s Day promotion you can still keep these principlesin mind for your next contest.

4 Things to Remember Before Building a Photo or Video Promotion

1. Provide entry options: Asking people to submit a video can potentially make them reluctant to enter. A photo can be just as valuable and a lot easier for your fans to use as a form of entry. On the other hand if your product lends itself to video, then go for it.

2. Pick a relevant hashtag: I discovered the True Dude promotion on Twitter when I did a quick search for Father’s Day giveaways. This is because True Dude attached the hashtag “TrueDude” to their Campaign and mentioned it multiple times throughout their Campaign so that when people shared, that hashtag would be shared as well. You’ll notice that in nearly every week’s Campaign idea we recommend using a hashtag. This is because hashtagshelp you increase the reach of your messages. There is an art to using hashtags though, so before you add one to your next Campaign familiarize yourself with some hashtag best practices for each social network.

3. Highlight entries on your social networks: One of my favorite part of the True Dude Father’s Day giveaway is that they’re paying close attention to their entries and highlighting them on their social media accounts. There are a variety of ways you can recognize the people entering your promotion even if you plan on just picking asingle winner. One thing you can do is take entries and re-post them on your Facebook Page or Twitter account. If you’re running a voting promotion you can give a shout-out to the leader and encourage your fans to vote.

4. Design matters: The first thing someone notices about your Campaign is how it looks. An unattractive Campaign can steer someone away from entering. Campaigns should be built with your brand’s existing themes and colors in mind. If you don’t have the resources or time to build theCampaign you’re dreaming of, offers custom design services you can take advantage of.

Templates You Can Use to Build a Photo or Video Vote Campaign has more than 20 templates that you canuse to build a photo or video vote promotion. Here are a few of the templates we offer for this type of promotion.

Photo Contest Hashtag Contest Gallery Video Upload Contest

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About the author

By Dana Kilroy ・1 min read

Dana Sullivan Kilroy is a communications professional with more than 20 years of experience delivering compelling content. Her work has appeared in national, award-winning publications and sites, including: The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Fast Company, Inc.

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